Population Health: One Pager Series

The Public Science Collaborative has created a series of one-pagers that describe our work in substance use and population health in quick, five minute reads. These one-pagers are meant to help break down our more complicated concepts into easy-to-read, easy-to-understand, and easy-to-hand-out flyers. Additionally, all of our one-pagers include QR codes that lead to the full report, a tool, or a webpage where you can learn more about the subject matter. If you find one that’s interesting to you or your work, we invite you to print it out and share the one-pager with your colleagues, friends, or collaborators.

Alcohol Policy Toolkit: This one-pager describes the context and current policies that surround alcohol in Iowa, both on a state and local level.

The Substance Use Vulnerability Index: This one-pager covers Public Science Collaborative’s SUV Index, a map illustrating the rates of risk for substance use across Iowa counties based off of demographic data.

Methamphetamine in Iowa: Iowa’s methamphetamine use has a whole variety of factors that contribute to its pervasiveness. This flyer gives you a glimpse into the complicated relationship, while also providing a focus on upstream prevention methods.

Social Determinants of Health: Public Science Collaborative has created several maps for counties across Iowa to describe the social determinants of health. This one-pager also provides context on what social determinants of health are, and why mapping them is crucial.

Breaking the Cycle: Substance Use: Substance use often has generational implications. This one-pager describes risk factors for multi-generational use, as well as state recommendations that can curb those risks.